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Dear customers,

GeoStru OVS: From the deep desire to always improve our services and to be closer to our customers and their needs, we introduce, starting the 12th of December, the new software lease option - GeoStru OVS. If you don't want to invest in the acquisition of software but still want to take advantage of all the benefits that such tool can offer, Open Value Subscription agreement is the most convenient and complete solution that perfectly fits your needs.

Software activation: In order to facilitate the activation of our software, starting the 12th of December, a new software activation system will be operational. This system applies to both new purchases and upgrades and has been considerably simplified: the satelite DLL file gsSEntry and the related Passport file were eliminated, it is possible to activate and deactivate the software on different locations, in absence of internet connection the registration can be made by phone and in presence of hardware key the activation is no longer required.

We hope you will enjoy our new services and we are always waiting for your feedback and suggestions!

Don't hesitate to contact us for further information!

Telephone: 0039 0698382429

e-mail: info.en@geostru.com

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